Clinics & Classes
Indiana Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center
(260) 435-2501
The Indiana Hemophilia & Thrombosis Center Inc., provides healthcare services including diagnostic and follow-up care, to patients with bleeding and clotting disorders and their families. Multidisciplinary clinics take place biannually at the clinic.
A member of a national network of nearly 150 centers, IHTC is Indiana's only federally recognized comprehensive hemophilia treatment center. The IHTC team includes career counselors, a dental hygienist, nurses, nutritionists, a physical therapist, physicians and social workers.
Sponsored by Lutheran Children's Hospital and Easter Seals Arc of Northeast Indiana, Sibshops provides siblings of children with disabilities or special health issues a chance to discuss common joys and concerns and to find out how others handle similar situations. The class gives siblings an opportunity to express their feelings and provides them with helpful tools and resources.
Preregistration is required. View upcoming dates and register online.